Each and every child is unique from the time they were conceived to the time they were born. I thought that the third one would be as simple as spelling out the abc's but it's like i am starting all over again. I guess its getting harder and harder every time. Though the fulfillment and joy of motherhood and of having such cute and adorable kids are priceless. I can say that they are the best thing that ever happened to me. I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.
I know it would again take me those sleepless nights and would deprive me of so many things but I know that God have given me such wonderful blessings. I may have started off at the wrong foot and I hope I'll be able to straighten the crooked path I took. Things do happen for a reason and I've always lived by that credo and there's just no other explanation to the things that happen to us. Reasons that might not be so seemingly obvious to me right now but I know that there will come a time that it will just surface in front of me.
"Carpe diem" as Horace said for I know not what the future has in store for me but this I know....I must be grateful for today and for the yesterdays that have been given to me. I will enjoy every second that I am with them because they grow up so fast that I might not be able to give all the best for them. We will have our own tete-a-tete time and will cherish each moment for the rest of our lives. Some things that money can't buy.
Today another part of me has been born out of this world...another chapter of my life has been opened....and so another page of my story will be written...and to this, I named her "Paige".
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