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Friday, November 21, 2008

My Energizer

Energizer's history goes all the way back to 1886. In 1896, Energizer marketed the very first battery for consumer use -- The Columbia -- all of six inches tall and used to power home telephones. With global headquarters in St. Louis and over 10,000 Associates in 140 countries, Energizer stands as the world's largest manufacturer of batteries and flashlights.

My own energizer used to be a double "AA". It was true when it says it "keeps you going and going". Remember the energizer bunny commercial that keeps on running around while it continuously bangs a drum. For a time I believed I've been that bunny. I could do anything and everything with my energizer. I even threw in a free-throw-last-minute-of-the-game. Hell, I can still vividly recall that moment. It was a sweet winning shot for me and for my team. At that very instance when all eyes were on me, I saw only him and only him. For a second, I closed my eyes and savored that moment and I just then realized that my hand was throwing the ball to the ring right down the net! But I guess my double "AA" was not that effective at all. My energizer battery slowly faded and just stopped bringing life in my world. I'd never thought I'd get used to having another one but I did. However, the energizer battery that keeps me going and going is a rare one. It did not only keep me going and going but it gave me more than life itself could bring. Somehow I lost my energizer...the one that kept me going. When something like that happens, a clock inside you just ticks a lot louder. I wonder how and what it would take for me to realize that I don't need energizers to make my earth revolve back in time because in real life, real things ...real batteries only comes with double "AA" and not with double "RR". But then again without the distortion of reality, then there would be no Sistine Chapel, Taj Mahal or the likes...

Can't let it stand

Our perception is always colored by our hopes, our fears, our loved ones. I am afraid my best is not good enough. You cannot believe in something and one second you use it against that person. It is just not right. Is all hope gone? There's not a day that passes by that a voice inside my head screams out "It's important to make things right". I just don't know how...i just don't know how.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Let the water not run dry

She looks at the water that flows to God knows where it ends. She keeps on dropping and pushing it away. Then the moment it slips away from her, crazy things come swooshing around inside her head. She keeps on wondering why she did it and what she could do to capture back the thing she thought she lost. One day she wakes up and find herself praying "let the water not run dry for I can never get him back again".

Saturday, November 15, 2008

All the things you are

I've never been so distraught in my life. Everything doesn't make sense. It's like my heart stopped beating and the world crashes on my feet. I know that at some point we have to make a decision. I made mine and for a moment a part of me says it is the right thing to do...the right words to say. I couldn't bear the pain and the hurt that I am going through especially when I realized that I couldn't have the real thing. I can't make demands and I can't expect because I knew it from the very start. The road has been tough and yet I felt happy when I join the ride.

It hurts me more when I know that in this kind of fairy tale there are no happily ever after endings. Time is not on our side. The odds are all against us. I just sometimes wonder if he really cared for me...really loved me. I guess this is my new beginning. I'm going to have look straight for that new road and should never look back. If he only knew.....all the things you are.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Sproutwells the techi-holics

I must say that I am not that techi-holic but someone close to me is. My husband is! Oh yes, he is a techi-holic which I must say is also a good thing because I get to be updated with the latest technologies. In fact, he saves on money to buy gadgets, electronics and the stuffs that he really likes and that he knows will also be cool for our children. Now that his birthday is almost days away, Sproutwells has given me a bright idea where I can get a cool gift for my husband. The Sproutwells episode 6, which by the way can be seen in The Sproutwells, talks about where techi-holics can get their stuffs for free...where else but from freshfunds.

Did you know that there are these really cool and techi prizes that one can win. When you join freshfunds, you can win each week by accumulating points. The following yummies can earn you points : Chiquita Fruit and Veggie Bites, Fresh Express Gourmet Café Salads, Fresh Express Packaged Salads. I am sure that my husband would be eyeing the Nintendo Wii Fit for a prize. What a way to earn your prize? freshfunds doesn't only give you the chance to get that awesome prize that you've been wanting but it also encourages you to be healthy. Hats off to Sproutwells for bringing out the techi-holics in a healthy way! So take the Sproutwell's advice and join the freshfunds.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Without strings

We came here on earth alone, we're going to die alone. That is why we spend our lives here on earth so infuriatingly dependent on others. There are people who really care about you and there are people who only care about themselves. How do you know which one is which?

My least favorite phrase in the human language is "I am sorry". 9 out of 10 I'm-sorrys are only being uttered because people got caught. And when someone says to me "I'm sorry" especially if it belongs to the 9 out of 10 category and I reply "up yours", I am being a total bitch. However when I forgive and let him go away with it, I'm being a total shmuck! So what do I do? It is just awful but as they say no man is an island. People tend to think that forgiveness is the flipside of contrition. An obligatory response to an apology...it is not. To forgive is to answer the calls of our better angels and bear our wounds as the cost of doing business. It is that rarest things - simple and pure - transcendant without strings.

The most difficult choices to make are the ones that denies us what are heart wants most. As it has been said, without reason....without logic...the heart wants what the heart wants. And more often than not, it will not be denied. Oftentimes when the heart makes a choice..it comes without strings.

Friday, November 7, 2008


Sometimes trying too hard to make things perfect can blow up on your face. There's a reason why people say we shouldn't expect too much. No one wants to see someone they care about end up disappointed. We instinctively act to protect our own from being hurt and do what we can to make the right choices for the people we love. But the reason we have expectation in the first place is because we want to aim high as we can. When you love someone there is no limit to what we can accomplish. Given a limited time, you make the best out of every minute...every second. You try to make happy moments, something you can remember by when things go wrong. And sometimes those happy moments you resent because no matter how hard you try to make everything perfect you are bedazzled by their intentions...what's going on inside their mind...what you really mean to them.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Everybody plays the fool

Everyday we face questions of right and wrong and decisions about whether to take actions or stay out of the game. And it's when those choices are at least clear that we draw upon our conscience, follow our instincts, and reveal our true character. At some point in our lives we feel like we are being tested in a way. Even though we know the right answers to our questions, we still choose to play the fool.

Life is a journey and the road we travel has its twists and turns which sometimes leads us to unexpected places....unexpected people. Sometimes we just walk past by them. Others tag them along for a joyride and drops you in a cliff. And others take the side road, holds your hand and walks with you side by side no matter how rough, dusty or bumpy the road is. So which one is you? How much more can you take when you know your fate? No one knows where you will end up. Waiting is the hardest part ever but still I play the fool...everybody plays the fool.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

When a man loves a woman

Through the good times. Through the bad times. When a Man Loves a Woman it's for all times. A 1994 hit movie that starred Andy Garcia and Meg Ryan. It has a soundtrack which was revived by Michael Bolton with the same title as the movie. A man who loved his wife through it all. They faced a difficult time of their marriage when Alice Green (Meg) who was an alcoholic and had hit bottom when she had compromised the safety of her own child when she was under the influence of alcohol. She then realized that she needed to go to rehab to save herself and her marriage. Still after what she had been through, Michael Green (Andy) embraced him wholeheartedly. When a man loves a woman is a typical drama love story which depicts a simple and yet profound love of a man for a woman despite all her imperfections. A man who has truly lived by his vows of "for better or for worse". A fictional movie which many of us would think only happens in the big screen.

Obama wins the seat at the White House

The first African-American Democrat has etched in history as Barack Obama won the seat at the White House and turned Wednesday from victory's jubilation to the sobering challenge of leading a nation in crisis.

What makes his victory so resounding, and so daunting for Republicans, was that he combined support from African-Americans, Jews, and young whites with other key groups. He also reversed President Bush’s advances with Hispanic voters. Why is this so? Obama won strategically and symbolically but most of all his platforms has made his way as the 44th President of the United States.

Here are the major issues and his platforms as well that hopefully will be implemented to return the favor for the people who believed in him and his plans.

ECONOMY - provide a tax cut for working families; provide tax relief for small businesses and startups; Fight for fair trade.

EDUCATION - will reform No Child Left Behind; Invest in early childhood education; Make college affordable to all Americans.

ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT - provide short-term relief to American families facing pain at the pump; Help create five million new jobs by strategically investing $150 billion over the next ten years to catalyze private efforts to build a clean energy future; Within 10 years save more oil than we currently import from the Middle East and Venezuela combined; Put 1 million Plug-In Hybrid cars -- cars that can get up to 150 miles per gallon -- on the road by 2015, cars that we will work to make sure are built here in America; Ensure 10 percent of our electricity comes from renewable sources by 2012, and 25 percent by 2025; Implement an economy-wide cap-and-trade program to reduce greenhouse gas emissions 80 percent by 2050.

ETHICS - will centralize ethics and lobbying information for voters; Require independent monitoring of lobbying laws and ethics rules; Close the revolving door on former and future employers.

FOREIGN POLICY - Secure loose nuclear materials from terrorists; Will pursue tough, direct diplomacy without preconditions to end the threat from Iran; Renew American diplomacy.

HEALTHCARE - will make health insurance affordable and accessible to all; Will lower health care costs; Promote public health.

HOMELAND SECURITY - Will defeat terrorism worldwide; Prevent nuclear terrorism; Strengthen American biosecurity.

WAR IN IRAQ - Will responsibly end the war in Iraq; Encourage political accommodation; Increase stability in Iraq and the region.

SENIORS & SOCIAL SECURITY - Will protect Social Security; Provide cheaper prescription drugs; Protect and strengthen Medicare.

TAXES - Cut taxes for 95 percent of workers and their families with a tax cut of $500 for workers or $1,000 for working couples; Provide generous tax cuts for low- and middle-income seniors, homeowners, the uninsured, and families sending a child to college or looking to save and accumulate wealth; Eliminate capital gains taxes for small businesses, cut corporate taxes for firms that invest and create jobs in the United States, and provide tax credits to reduce the cost of healthcare and to reward investments in innovation; Dramatically simplify taxes by consolidating existing tax credits, eliminating the need for millions of senior citizens to file tax forms, and enabling as many as 40 million middle-class Americans to do their own taxes in less than five minutes without an accountant.

VETERANS - Will restore our sacred trust with our nation's veterans; Help returning service members; Improve mental health treatment.

WOMEN - Fix the nation's health care system; Empower women to prevent HIV/AIDS; Support research into women's health; Will help fight cancer; Reduce health risks due to mercury pollution; Support stem cell research; Supports a Woman's Right to Choose;
Prevent unintended pregnancy; Reduce domestic violence; Strengthen domestic violence Laws; Fight gender violence abroad; Fight for pay equity; Expand paid sick days; Invest in women-owned small businesses; Protect Social Security; Encourage retirement saving; Care for women veterans.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The real thing

They say patience is a virtue and I think I am running out of it. What ifs come with endless possibilities. I want the real thing. I've come to terms with what I want...I want the real thing or nothing at all. I need that real thing that I can be sure will catch me if I should fall. That real thing who'll be there when I call. That real thing to hold me each night. That real thing who will make it alright. I want to know for sure that I can feel secure. Once I get that under control then I won't let go. Then I'll know that it's the real thing. I don't want to be second best anymore. No more lies. I am through pretending...I am pretty tired of hiding. Anyway, I have seen and feel the best of what seems to be the real thing.

Real Thing - Kalapana

Nothing beats the old times

There were four of us - Joan aka Friend, Tricia aka Petra, Mabel aka Baby Bel. After lunch, we would sit down at the lounge and have that girl talk. It was always almost about boys...the boys in our lives. The secret crushes, the boyfriends, the cuties and the hotties. We would kinda sort out the boys that goes in and out of the elevator and spot the "B.Y". Giggles, tears, the oohs and aahs, woah and oh as we talk about batman, architect of Friend, Monster of Baby Bel and of course Petra's BF.

It's been years already since we have had those moments in that couch...in that lounge. We have separated ways to seek greener pasteurs. Friend in Dubai, Petra with Uncle Sam , Baby Bel and me stuck here. Baby Bel was the first one to leave. She pursued her commercial modeling and DJ thing. Friend followed who at first was a ground stewardess then flew farther to Dubai. Petra was the last of them. She became an events coordinator which she is good at.

Yes mankind have invented so many ways of keeping in touch but I guess nothing ever beats the old times.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

You left me cold

Suddenly the clouds turned blue. The ground is dampen with teardrops that fall from the sky. The air whispers through the silence of the night. I embraced my pillow while I try to solve the puzzle in my mind. A challenge that have seemed to left me with sleepless nights. A confusion that have paralyzed my working brain. I tried to steal his mind to work inside out but I guess I'll never find the right answer. How was I suppose to make it work like before? Things can get a lot different with words. The words we use make a big difference : Carefully chosen, they can keep someone happy. Sloppily chosen, they can infuriate. I got so caught up in a web of lies that I didn't bother to look deeply. For the two gleaming and noteworthy moments in my life, I hang on to life. While lying and bringing life to this world, the lines in the machine that was hooked to me almost went haywire. With the first they have to supply me oxygen to stabilize me and the second one they have to make me feel more pain to stop my heart rate from moving faster. I have almost seen the light at the end of the tunnel...almost.

It has caused me to zip my mouth and keep everything to myself because I didn't want to upbraid. The least you could do was to be honest. For what the waves could have never washed away...you have left me cold.