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Friday, June 12, 2009

The shadow of your smile

Cried like a child...so helpless. She dried the tears and held him in her chest. Her arms tightly embraced him as if saying "hush, little baby don't cry". Her heart pricks in pain whenever he sees him down...she never wants to see him down. She wanted to take his grie...his pain and make it her own. When he cries, she cries deep down inside, and when he's hurt, she's hurt. Together they will try to hold back the floods of tears and despair and make it through the potholed streets of life.

It was one of those nights where she would remember it the most or it was one of the best. She just couldn't find the right words to describe it. They both just wanted to remain in their world. The world where they become entwine with so much passion.

She knows that life in the future is uncertain and that there only rough roads and tough journeys to make. So when the time comes that he can no longer hold on or when the fire that burns become an ember, she will never hold him back. Her love for him will always set him free. She just wants for him to remember that she will always remember that laugh, that kiss, that love. And when the dawn is breaking, the shadow of his smile will light her world. The shadow of his smile will turn back the clock and the days will be repeatedly rewinded. That way the shadow of his smile she will always see.

She never loved anyone else in this world like the love that she have for him. She will remain through to this until her last breath...until the right time comes...She is sure she is no one special. She is just someone with common thoughts and ordinary dreams. There are no monuments dedicated to her and her name will soon be forgotten. But she loved him with all her heart and soul, and to her, that has always been enough.

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