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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Real Property Management

Are you in the real estate business? Perhaps you are a prospective tenant or maybe an investor looking for some profitable franchising opportunities. Look no more because Real Property Management (RPM) is the best in town.

Why is Real Property Management the best in town?

1. They have been granted the “Franchise of the Year Honarable Mention" award;
2. They have been getting the best deals for their partners and clients with their achievements and success featured in the Bizjournal of Cincinnati and Columbus; and,
3. Another great thing is that you have numerous options with RPM managing over 20,000 units all over United States and Canada!

So whatever hat it is you are wearing, jump into only the best – Real Property Management!

The U2 360 Tour

U2 rocks! I don't see any reason why people would not like them. If they can give me a reason for lambasting them, hell, I would give them hundred reasons why they should be ashamed of themselves.

Facebook have let me in to some pictures of my friends attending their concerts in Europe. If they would go here and perform a concert, I would definitely buy a ticket no matter how much it would cost me. I would have wanted to disapparate to Dublin to hear them sing, see my Bono back to back with "The Script". Some wishful thinking!

Originally they have called themselves "Feedback" and later on changed their name to "Hype". And as they were stepping up the ladder of success, U2 emerged as the victorious and sweetest name for them.

They are one of the few bands who have achieved success across three decades on both the artistic and business sides of the music industry. They have broken free form the traditional confinements of a rock band and rock music so to speak.

They have shattered the glass that have been dictating rock musicians on what they could and they couldn't do by combining an original sound with honest lyrics and a challenging social message. That has been U2s trademark. They have left a print in the hearts of their fans and have earned the respect of their peers and critics all around the world.

Today, they are successfully performing in 14 cities across Europe which includes Barcelona, Milan, Paris, Nice, Berlin, Amsterdam, Dublin, Gothenburg, Gelsenkirchen, Chorzow, Zagreb, London, Sheffield and Glasgow, Cardiff. Their European tour will be followed by a North America tour (Chicago, Dallas, Tampa, NY, Atlanta, Raleigh, Houston, Norman Phoenix, Las Vegas, LA, Houston and Boston) and 2 cities in Canada (Toronto and Vancouver). The U2 360 Tour site has a complete listing, schedule, packages, and ticket availability.

Guys wake up, if you still haven't found what you are looking for then I think you should hear me say - U2 rocks and will forever rock!!!

Sunday, July 5, 2009

A new vesion of me

Spontaneity has been one of my strong suits. I rarely make plans. I have my goals but a roadmap is never a thing for me. In a snap of a finger, I can easily grab the keys, turn on the switch, push the knob, pump up the volume and dash away to whereever the road will hit dead-end. Oh no, it's not just for fun and definitely for no reason at all. It is true for something worth the ticket.

You can only smile at fate when it takes a hand. Those thoughts that keep running in circles are far more dangerous than what a pen could do. At times when emotions take hold of me, I would fold and completely shut my brain out from processing anything before my tongue could deliver the message. It's like a bomb that ticks off when a trigger is set off.

Today, I just realized that tomorrow is not just a new day. It is miles away. I am drowned by the silence of waiting for the sun as I listen to my daughter mimicking every move as the movie repeatedly plays for the nth time. It is amazing how she can find something so fascinating at every scene as if it was her first time to see the movie. I just stare and smile...completely out of this world. Tomorrow, I said, needs a new version of me. Yes I know it seems contradicting when I said spontaneity is one of my strong suits. I don't know how and I don't know why but it's that spontaneous moment that sickens me...

I can only sigh and with each sigh I hope I can breathe out the stale air that seems to build up the heavy load. I must run, grab the keys, turn on the switch, push the knob, pump up the volume and dash away to the greater heights of the new version of me. So dance without me...dance without me.