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Thursday, June 27, 2013

My Summer for all seasons

For the first time in the past few weeks, my eyes feels heavy enjoying the darkness.  Take me to my dreamland, Peter Pan.

Summer season is officially over as the rain pours down from the dark clouds.  I hate rainy days and I hate the gloomy weather.  But hey it doesn't rain forever.  I do have my own Summer to help me peek the light of the sun behind those clouds.

My Summer who warms my heart with her one touch, one smile, one coo...at least for a moment she has effortlessly put a smile on me at the wake of the dawn.  Leaves me with a lovely grin.  Never ever lose that angelic eyes.  Stay that way because I know I can never give you everything...the one thing...If there must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child have peace.

I do owe my girls an apology as I have loved to the point of madness.  That which is called madness.  That which to me, is the only sensible way to love.  Yes, I dreamed of having you in this world but not this way..not this way.  So forgive me for standing up alone ...when it should have been two...

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