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Thursday, June 26, 2008

Sulpicio's Titanic

Typhoon Frank like any other super typhoons has left the Philippines a mark that some if not most of us will remember. The tragic accident has been the latest in the list of Sulpicio Line's maritime incidents.

Last night while I was watching the late night news, I sympathize with the relatives who have been agonizing over the long wait on any update about their loved ones. I cannot help but feel pity at the babies or kids that have been perished in this ill-fated incident. The negligence of one party has caused the lives of hundreds of people. While listening to the bantering and bickering of those people, I cannot help but wonder what if I was in their position. I guess I would have a breakdown then because I cannot imagine that dreadful day happening to me or to anyone of my loved ones.

Updates on the rescue mission has been reported that there are at least hundred of trapped passengers that are floating inside the ship. One Phil. Navy officer even commented that their team is exasperated not because of how difficult to get the cadavers but because they are frustrated of finding and saving alive passengers.

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