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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Without strings

We came here on earth alone, we're going to die alone. That is why we spend our lives here on earth so infuriatingly dependent on others. There are people who really care about you and there are people who only care about themselves. How do you know which one is which?

My least favorite phrase in the human language is "I am sorry". 9 out of 10 I'm-sorrys are only being uttered because people got caught. And when someone says to me "I'm sorry" especially if it belongs to the 9 out of 10 category and I reply "up yours", I am being a total bitch. However when I forgive and let him go away with it, I'm being a total shmuck! So what do I do? It is just awful but as they say no man is an island. People tend to think that forgiveness is the flipside of contrition. An obligatory response to an apology...it is not. To forgive is to answer the calls of our better angels and bear our wounds as the cost of doing business. It is that rarest things - simple and pure - transcendant without strings.

The most difficult choices to make are the ones that denies us what are heart wants most. As it has been said, without reason....without logic...the heart wants what the heart wants. And more often than not, it will not be denied. Oftentimes when the heart makes a choice..it comes without strings.

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