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Thursday, July 24, 2008

A dark night for the Dark Knight

Batman has made every viewer’s night leaving the movie house satisfied after watching him fight the villains. Conversely, the man behind the mask and suit was making other headlines. Actor Christian Bale was reportedly arrested for the alleged assault of his mother and sister.

This time there is no Commissioner Gordon to back him up. He had spent four hours talking with authorities denying the allegations made against him. After being questioned by the London police and finding no evidence that they can charge with, the 34-year-old actor was released on bail.

It had seem like a doomsday in his career when British media described that Bale's mother and sister told police he assaulted them. The incident purportedly took place at the Dorchester Hotel in London on Sunday night which was a day before the European premiere of "The Dark Knight.".

Simon Smith, Bale’s lawyer based in a London firm Schillings, said in his statement that the actor came to the police station voluntarily. He had been cooperative all throughout and had his account in full of the events in question.

Days after "The Dark Knight" the reports spread just like fire. When the London police spokesman was asked Tuesday whether Bale had been arrested, he did not refer to him by name but just referred to Bale as the “34-year-old man”. It is a policy that they do not do not name suspects who have not been formally charged.


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