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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Education the best way to save!

Before we got married, we thought of having four children – two girls and two boys. Those were the days. Now that times are getting tougher, we planned of having at the most two kids but the heaven didn’t agree and gave us another child. Today, many would agree with me that having two children is more than enough in raising a family. Financially speaking, it is impractical to raise more than two because of the current worldwide economic situation that we are experiencing.

As parents we would want to give all the best to our children and sometimes the best is also tantamount to being financially well-off. Giving your children quality time is never a question in raising a happy and successful kid. However, we also have to be reminded that money is as important in providing them their basic needs such as shelter, clothing, food, water and a healthy and safe environment.

How do we secure their future? The only way to do this is to save. Saving and budgeting your expenses may come in different forms. My husband and I have agreed to do something about our lives with less complication and stress. First, we talk about what things are to be prioritized so that we will be guided by these priorities. Second, we allot something for the “just-in-case-of-emergencies-expenses”. Third, we educate our children and household helpers on how to save on electric and water expenses. Information campaign in the family is also big help in trying to educate and make others aware of how they can contribute in saving money. As an example, you tell them that there should be a schedule in the household chores to save the electricity and water meter running.

Another way to help you from saving and budgeting is to understand your overall financial health and find ways to improve your financial status. How do you do that? There is a way to know your financial status simply by answering the BillsIQ online. This is for free! This way you will know your current financial status and it will also give you tips on how to avoid the financial pitfalls. People will benefit from knowing what their bills IQ score is. It will also be an opportunity to know all about Debt consolidation, Debt relief, Debt help and how to Consolidate debt and stay away from it. Getting the right information helps you save a penny a day!


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