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Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Reminiscing 2006

Halfway through 2006 and its been a topsy-turvy year already. How worst can things get?No one ever really knows. I don't know how I got through everything but hey the important thing is I am up and ready to move on again. I can relive the days and the moments for I can still remember how I feel then but I don't know if I can ever sleep through the nights.
Just a week ago, while on a tipsy mood, I was driving home and I rolled the windows down to feel the breeze of the air. I turned the radio on to wake my sleepy eyes and bring me back on the road. I chanced upon an old song that continuously plays in my ears. I have instantaneously memorized the lyrics for it somehow answered imperviously my thoughts....confirming the days that lies ahead of me. The song was used in a soundtrack of a movie and since curiosity got the better of me I immediately run my fingers through google the morning after. I hit the enter button and voila! there it is...I laughed to myself when I saw the title of the movie..."Staying Alive".
Oh the irony of life! You have to fall hard, head first. More than the broken bones what will hurt most is what's inside - your fragile heart. Sometimes no matter how you make things right you still end up on the other side. Soul-searching and the lines keep on hitting me. It goes "...I am finding out the hard way. It's gonna take some tears, a little bit of heartache. We are like islands in the streams, watchin' all our dreams start to fade....fadin' away."
But at the end of it all, whichever road you choose to take, you end up with only one thing...Got to move on!

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