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Monday, July 21, 2008

The future is in your hands!

Retirement already awaits us as we go down two more years. I guess this is one topic that we have been trying to avoid to discuss even in private conversations. As early as now, many of us are trying to squeeze our minds on computing how much we would earn with our retirement pay given a conservative value. Future is always as hazy as it seemed like for almost all of us. For most of my peers here, I think plans are something scary and unstable. As an outsider would hear us when asked about life after 2010, instantaneously they would hear the phrase “Come what may”.

Then again we have to think twice about considering a plan with the way things are happening around us. Bills are piling up and prices of basic commodities are shooting up while there our income languishes. In order to survive and keep up with the world, we think of ways on how to raise our heads with this kind of problem that has been trying to drown us. Luckily, I found a guide that can help me address my plight. For_opportunities They call it the BillsIQ. It is a free financial health check-up which talks about Debt consolidation, how to have a Debt relief by seeking Debt help. I took the free quiz online and it gave me instant results which I can refer to and compare with other baseline data. I got 84% B which when compared with the rest of the population is below average for my age. It doesn’t just give you raw data but it also gives you personal tips and advices which are normally being billed by consultants.

One of those tips that stuck in my mind is on how to save up. Now that retirement is nearing, I must reevaluate my priorities and think of a good plan not only for myself but also for my family. It is suggested that I should document whatever plans I have so that I will have a guide on what and where to spend my retirement pay. It is a good start for moving on to facing 2010. I will have those handy tips in mind wherever I go so I can be debt-free and financially healthy. It is a good thing to know that there are institutions that are ready to help people understand what their financial status and capabilities are.

Sponsored by Bills.com

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